A philosophy of leadership, teamwork and problem solving results in continuous improvement throughout your business, by focusing on the client's needs, empowering employees, and optimizing existing activities in the process.
Operational Excellence is a systematic approach to drive any organisation toward world-class execution, integrating Operational Excellence methods and tools into an organization’s operating model, principles, and culture.
Organisations pursuing Operational Excellence can deliver a combination of quality, price, and ease of purchase and service that no other organization in their market or industry can match.
1. Operations that are standardised, simplified, and tightly controlled.
2. Management systems that focus on integrated, reliable, and high-speed transactions.
3. A culture that detests waste and rewards efficiency.
4. Respecting every individual
5. Leading with humility
6. Seeking perfection
7. Assuring quality
8. Embracing scientific thinking
9. Focussing on process
10. Thinking systematically
11. Creating constancy of purpose
12. Creating value for the customer
I will always encourage the use of Balanced Scorecards across the entire business. A Balanced Scorecard emphasises leading, current, and lagging performance indicators and balances four critical success measures - Financials, Customers, Internal Business Processes, and Organisational Learning & Growth.
Well-designed, efficient, and effective Management, Customer-facing, and Support processes are necessary to deliver best-in-class results and achieve Operational Excellence.
The focus of Operational Excellence goes beyond the traditional event-based model of improvement toward a long-term change in organisational culture.
“People still are the critical factor in an organisation’s success. As personnel numbers shrink, it’s more power in fewer people’s hands”
“Martin encourages an operational excellence initiative that yields strategic and sustainable results. Performance Management is the process that translates strategic initiatives into measurable objectives and goals.”